QCSS-2021 Organizers
Ning He
Ning He is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Politics at NYU. He studies comparative politics and political economy with a focus on authoritarian countries. His current research focuses on the political impact of international trade, information problems and bureaucrat incentives, and the outcome of repression in autocracies. He received a B.A. from Fudan University and an MPhil from HKUST.
Sophie Xiangqian Yi
"Sophie" Xiangqian Yi is a Ph.D. candidate in the NYU Department of Politics. Her current research focuses on public opinion, mass media, and political psychology in authoritarian contexts. Before entering the Ph.D. program, she earned a BA in economics at Peking University and an MA in economics at NYU.
Ye Wang is currently a predoctoral researcher at UCSD and a PhD candidate at the Wilf Family Department of Politics, New York University. He earned a BS degree in mathematics from Fudan University and a MA degree in economics from Peking University before entering the PhD program. He studies political methodology and comparative politics. As a methodologist, He develops statistical tools to investigate the spillover effects of policies or events in time, space, and social networks, as well as to improve the transparency of research designs and hypothesis testing. His work was awarded the John T. Williams Prize by the Society for Political Methodology in 2020. As a comparativist, He applies these methods to understand the role of social learning in shaping people's views and actions under non-democratic regimes, and the interaction between contentious and electoral politics.
Haohan Chen is a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Social Media and Politics at NYU. He received his PhD in Political Science and MS in Statistical Science from Duke University in December 2019. His substantive research focuses on political behavior and political communication under both authoritarian and democratic contexts. His methodological research focuses on machine learning methods for text and network data from social media. Before his appointment with NYU, Haohan was a postdoctoral fellow at UPenn's Center for the Study of Contemporary China. He earned a Bachelor of Social Sciences from the University of Hong Kong with First Class Honors. In Fall 2021, he will re-join the University of Hong Kong as an Assistant Professor of Politics and Public Administration.
The QCSS-2021 organizing committee thanks all the participants for their generosity with their time and effort.
The QCSS-2021 organizing committee builds this event upon the success of four QCSS events from 2017 to 2020. We thank all past QCSS organizers and volunteers. For information about our past events, please see https://www.qcssnyu.com/.